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About Us

AI Models is a site dedicated to promoting and supporting small to medium free and open-source AI projects. We provide a directory of AI models, making it easy to explore and compare their outputs. We focus on intuitive content, showcasing demos and examples rather than heavy technical jargon.

Making AI Models Accessible

We're, and we're passionate about demystifying AI models for everyone. We believe these powerful tools have the potential to revolutionize various fields, but complex jargon and technical barriers often make them seem out of reach.

Our Mission is dedicated to:

  • Providing clear and concise explanations of AI models and their applications.
  • Curating valuable resources like tutorials, articles, and open-source projects.
  • Fostering a welcoming community for anyone interested in learning about AI models.

The Team

Justin Riddiough

Justin Riddiough


Results-driven Software Engineer with 20+ years of experience in collaborating with in-house software developers, technologists, and strategists through the development and deployment of robust, scalable web applications and customer-facing software.